ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transmission line

Imagine you want to send a message to your friend who lives far away. You can't just shout it because they won't be able to hear you. That's where a transmission line comes in!

A transmission line is like a special pathway that carries your message from one place to another. It's kind of like a long, skinny tube that wires or cables run through.

When you want to send a message from one place to another, you put it on the transmission line. The message might be a phone call, a video, or just a signal that turns on a light. Whatever it is, the transmission line carries it through the wire or cable to its destination.

But why can't you just use any wire to send your message? Well, some wires are better for sending messages than others. Transmission lines are designed to minimize loss of signal and reduce interference. They're made of special materials and have a specific shape and size that ensures the message travels smoothly through them.

So next time you want to talk to someone who's far away, remember that a transmission line helps carry your message all the way to them!