ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Two-photon circular dichroism

Okay, so first, let's learn some words. "Two-photon" means using two beams of light. "Circular dichroism" means the way that light waves twist when they go through certain materials.

So, when we put a material in between two beams of light, we can see how the light waves twist. This can tell us things about the material. Two-photon circular dichroism means we are using two beams of light to look at how the waves twist in the material.

It's like when you look through two different colored glasses at the same time. Sometimes the colors mix and sometimes they cancel each other out. With two-photon circular dichroism, we use different colors of light to look at how the waves react in the material. This can tell us important things about the material, like how it is shaped or what it is made of.

Scientists use two-photon circular dichroism to study all kinds of materials, like proteins and DNA. It helps us learn more about the world around us and how things work!