ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ultralight backpacking

Okay kiddo, let's talk about ultralight backpacking. It's all about going on a backpacking trip while carrying the least amount of stuff possible.

You know how when we go on a long walk, we carry a backpack filled with things we might need, like water, snack, jacket, etc. Well, when people go ultralight backpacking, they try to bring only the things they need and nothing extra.

The idea is to make the backpack as light as possible so it's easier to carry when we walk or hike. For example, instead of bringing a big heavy sleeping bag, we might bring a lighter and thinner one that still keeps us warm but doesn't take up as much space.

Some people even cut off the handles of their toothbrush to save weight, or use a small stove that doesn't weigh as much. The overall goal is to make the backpack lighter so we can walk further and enjoy nature without feeling exhausted or weighed down.

So, ultralight backpacking is like a special adventure backpacking trip where we try to bring only the essentials, but still have everything we need to be comfortable and safe.