ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Union Flag

The Union Flag is a special flag that is made up of three other flags all squished together. The three flags are the flags of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The flag of Wales isn't included, but that's because it was considered part of England when the first version of the Union Flag was made many years ago!

The Union Flag is also called the Union Jack. The reason why it's called the Union Jack is because "Jack" used to be a word for a small flag that was flown at the top of a ship's mast. So "Union Jack" means "small Union Flag."

People love the Union Flag because it represents unity between England, Scotland, and Ireland. Even though they are separate countries with their own flags, they all come together under the Union Flag to form the United Kingdom. You might see the Union Flag flown in important places, like government buildings or during special events like the Olympics.