ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unit of measurement

So, you know how sometimes you have to measure how big or small things are, like how tall you are or how much a book weighs? Well, a unit of measurement is like a special word or number that we use to describe how big or small something is.

For example, when you measure how tall you are, you might say that you are 3 feet or 1 meter tall. Feet and meters are units of measurement for length.

There are lots of different units of measurement for different things. Some units of measurement you might have heard of are:

- Inches and centimeters for length
- Kilograms and pounds for weight
- Minutes and hours for time

And there are many more! The important thing is that we all use the same units of measurement so that we can understand each other. So if you say that you are 6 feet tall, everyone knows that you are taller than someone who is only 4 feet tall.

Units of measurement help us make sense of the world around us and communicate with each other about it.