ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vietnamese alphabet

The Vietnamese alphabet is like a special set of letters that are used to write Vietnamese words. Just like how you use the letters A, B, C, D, and so on to write English words.

But, instead of the 26 letters in the English alphabet, the Vietnamese alphabet has 29 letters. And each letter has a special symbol above, below, or on the side of it.

These symbols are called diacritics and they change the sound of the letter. For example, the letter "a" by itself, sounds like "ah". But if you add a diacritic like a little line above it, it makes the sound "ă" which is a shorter and more clipped "ah" sound.

Now, why does the Vietnamese alphabet have more letters than the English one? Well, in Vietnamese, there are some sounds that don't have a single letter in English. So, the Vietnamese alphabet needed more letters to be able to represent all of the different sounds in the language.

Overall, the Vietnamese alphabet might look a little confusing at first, but once you learn the letters and their sounds (and the diacritics!), it's not so hard anymore.