ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vulcan (hypothetical planet)

Okay kiddo, imagine there is a planet called Vulcan, but it's not a real planet. It's just an idea that some people came up with a long time ago.

Now, this planet is a little different from the other planets that we know of. It's said that Vulcan is very close to the sun, much closer than Mercury, which is the closest planet to the sun in our solar system.

Because Vulcan is so close to the sun, it's much hotter than any other planet we know of. The surface of Vulcan is said to be covered in lava and molten rock because of the extreme temperatures.

Some people have also suggested that Vulcan might have a strange orbit, which means it doesn't move around the sun in a nice circular pattern like the other planets. Instead, it might have a very elongated orbit that takes it very close to the sun and then whips it out far away before bringing it back in again.

But remember, Vulcan is just an idea that people came up with. We don't have any real evidence that it actually exists. It's kind of like having an imaginary friend. It's fun to imagine what it might be like, but we can't really visit it or study it because it's not real.