ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Waste hierarchy

The waste hierarchy is a way to think about what to do with something after you're done with it. It goes like this:
1. Reduce: try to make less waste by using less of something or finding ways to reuse something instead of throwing it away.
2. Reuse: instead of throwing something away, can you use it again? For example, plastic bags can become plant holders or pencil holders, or you can freeze food leftovers to eat them later.
3. Recycle: if you can't reuse something, try to recycle it instead. You can recycle all kinds of things, like cans, boxes, paper, glass, and some plastics.
4. Recover: if something doesn't get recycled, it can be used to create energy or turned into compost to help new plants grow.
5. Disposal: the last step is disposing of the waste in a safe way, usually at a garbage dump or landfill.