Well drilling is like digging a hole in the ground to find water. Just like when we play in the sand and dig a hole to make a little swimming pool, well drilling is like digging a super deep hole in the ground. Except instead of digging with a shovel, grown-ups use a big machine called a drilling rig.
First, the drilling rig sets up in the right spot where they think they can find water. Then, they start digging a hole using a drill bit. It's like a giant cookie cutter that spins and grinds through the earth. The drill bit is powered by a special motor, kind of like a giant robot arm, that moves up and down while it cuts through rock, dirt, and sand.
As drilling gets deeper, they sometimes need to put casings or pipes into the hole to keep the dirt from collapsing in on itself. Once the drill reaches a certain depth, the water that is hiding underground will start to flow into the hole.
After they find the water, the crew will test the well to see if the water is safe to drink. Then they will put a pump into the well to pull up the water and send it to our homes.
Overall, well drilling is like playing a giant game of hide-and-seek. We're looking for water that's hiding underground and using a special machine to find it.