ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wisdom of the crowds

Imagine you are playing a game where you have to guess the number of sweets in a jar. You make a guess, but you are not sure if your guess is right. Now, imagine that there are 100 other people playing the same game with you. They also make their guesses and the guesses are all different.

Now, we average all the guesses together--that means we add them all up and divide by how many people made guesses. When we do this, we get a number that is very close to the real number of sweets in the jar!

This is called the "wisdom of the crowds."

Basically, when a lot of people make guesses or decisions about something, their guesses or decisions tend to be more accurate than just one person's guess or decision. This is because everyone sees things a little bit differently, and when we put all those views together, we get a more complete picture.

So, the more people we have guessing or making decisions, the more likely we are to get a good answer that is close to being right.