ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Zeugma and syllepsis

Okay kiddo, zeugma and syllepsis are fancy words that grown-ups use when they want to talk about something called "grammar."

Zeugma is when you use one word to describe two different things in a sentence. For example, if you said "I lost my keys and my mind," the word "lost" is used for both "keys" and "mind." It's kinda like the word is doing two jobs at the same time!

Syllepsis is a bit harder to understand. It's when you use a word in a sentence with two different meanings. For example, if you said "I caught the train and a cold," the word "caught" can mean "getting on" the train, and "getting sick" with a cold. So, the word "caught" is doing different jobs in each part of the sentence.

Overall, zeugma and syllepsis are just ways to make sentences more interesting by using one word to describe multiple things or using a word with multiple meanings in a sentence. Cool, huh?