ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Shelta is a secret language that was used by a group of people to communicate with each other secretly. It is like having your own secret code that only you and your friends can understand.

Imagine you have a secret code with your friends that only you guys can understand. You can use this code to talk to each other without anyone else understanding what you're saying. That's what Shelta is.

Shelta is created by changing the sounds of words in a language. For example, instead of saying "hello", you can say "helosh" in Shelta. This way, people who don't know Shelta won't understand what you're saying.

Some people use Shelta to keep their conversations private from other people who don't speak Shelta. It's like having your own secret language that only you and your friends can understand.

But remember, always use Shelta for good purposes and don't use it to deceive people or hide important things.
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