ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you do something really bad, like hitting your friend or stealing a toy, and your parents get really mad and tell you you're in big trouble? Well, in religion, some people believe that there are certain behaviors or beliefs that are so bad or against what they believe that they are like really, really big sins. These are called anathema.

When something is anathema, it means that it is so bad or wrong that it is not allowed in the group of people who believe that way. It's like being kicked out of the club. When a person is called anathema, it means that they are a really, really bad person and should be avoided by everyone in the group.

For example, let's say there are a group of people who believe in a certain religion. They might believe that lying is really, really bad and they have a rule that you can't lie or you will be anathema. If someone in that group lies, they will be punished by the group and not allowed to be part of it anymore.

So, anathema is a really serious thing in religion and means that something is so bad or wrong that it is not allowed and the person who does it is seen as really bad and not allowed to be part of the group anymore.