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Czech alphabet

The Czech alphabet is a group of different letters that people in the Czech Republic use to write words and communicate with each other. It's kind of like the special code that they use to write down what they mean, like when you draw pictures to show your parents what you want for dinner.

There are a total of 42 letters in the Czech alphabet, which is more than the 26 letters that English uses. Some of the letters look similar to the ones we use in English, like A, B, C, and D. But there are also some new letters that you might not recognize.

For example, there is a letter called "č" which is pronounced like "ch" in the English word "choir". There is also a letter called "ř" that sounds like a very soft "r-zh" noise, like if you say "drivEr's license" but emphasize the "r-zh" sound.

Learning the Czech alphabet can be tricky, but it's important because it helps people in the Czech Republic understand each other and communicate effectively. Plus, it's fun to learn new things and impress your friends with your knowledge of different languages!