ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acts 25

Acts 25 is a story about a man named Paul who was being held in prison. He was a man who talked a lot about God and traveled to different places to teach people about Him.

The people who didn't like Paul put him in jail because they thought he was causing trouble.

One day, a leader named Festus took over as governor, and people who didn't like Paul asked Festus to bring him to trial.

At the trial, they said that Paul had done many bad things, but they didn't have any proof. Paul defended himself and said he had not done anything wrong.

Festus didn't know what to do, so he asked Paul if he would be willing to go to another leader named King Agrippa to explain his beliefs.

Paul agreed and talked to King Agrippa about his beliefs in God. King Agrippa thought Paul was a good man and didn't think he had done anything wrong.

But, despite this, Paul had to stay in prison because Festus was afraid that the people who didn't like Paul might get angry.

So, even though Paul had not done anything wrong, he had to stay in prison until he could prove his innocence to a higher court.