ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acts 22

In Acts 22, a man named Paul was telling people about how he used to think it was okay to hurt and punish people who believed in a man named Jesus. But then, while he was on his way to hurt some more of these people, he had a bright light shine down on him and heard a voice from heaven saying that Jesus was real and that he should stop hurting his followers.

After this experience, Paul started believing in Jesus too and started telling others about him. Some people didn't like this and wanted to hurt Paul, but he kept talking about Jesus anyway. Finally, Paul was arrested by some soldiers and brought before some important leaders to explain what he was doing.

Paul told them all about his experience with the bright light and the voice from heaven, and how it had changed his life. He also talked about how important it was for everyone to believe in Jesus and follow his teachings. The leaders listened to what Paul had to say, but some of them still weren't happy with him and wanted to punish him.

Despite the danger he was in, Paul stayed strong in his faith and continued to share the good news of Jesus with anyone who would listen.
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