ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

African socialism

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of Africa? It's a continent made up of many different countries with different people, cultures, and ways of life.

Well, a long time ago, some people in Africa thought that the best way to help everyone in their countries was to have a system called African socialism. African socialism is when people work together to share resources and make sure everyone has what they need, like food, water, and shelter.

In other words, it's like sharing your toys with your friends. You give some of your toys to your friend so they can play with them too.

In African socialism, everyone in the country helps each other instead of just trying to help themselves. It's like working as a team to make sure everyone is happy and healthy.

But, just like with any idea, some people liked it and some people didn't. Some people thought it was great because it meant that everyone was equal and no one had more than anyone else. Others didn't like it because they thought it meant they couldn't make as much money or have as many things as they wanted.

So, African socialism is an idea for helping everyone in a country work together as a team to make sure everyone is happy and healthy.