Agricultural sciences are all about studying how plants and animals grow, and how to keep them healthy and happy so we can use them for things like food and clothing.
When we talk about plants, we study things like how to plant them in the ground so they grow strong, how to water them so they don't dry out, and how to protect them from diseases and pests. Scientists also look at the different kinds of plant species to see which ones are best suited for certain climates and soils.
We also study animals, like cows, chickens and pigs, and what they need to grow up healthy and strong. This includes things like how to give them the right kinds of food and water, how to protect them from diseases, and how to keep them safe from predators.
In both plant and animal sciences, we also learn how to use different kinds of technology to help us farm more efficiently. This can include things like using drones to monitor crop growth, using tractors to plow fields, and using genetic engineering to make crops more resistant to pests and disease.
All of these different aspects of agricultural sciences come together to help us grow and harvest the crops and raise the animals we need to feed people and make other products.