ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Airspeed indicator

An airspeed indicator is a special tool that helps us understand how fast we are flying an airplane through the air. Imagine your arms are outstretched while you are standing outside and you can feel the wind. Now imagine getting into an airplane and flying up into the sky, the wind is different and can be harder to feel. The airspeed indicator tells us how fast the airplane is moving through the air, even though we can't always feel it. It's like a special speedometer just for airplanes! The indicator shows us how fast the air is flowing over the wings and helps pilots know if they need to adjust their speed to fly smoothly and get to their destination safely. So, just like you might look at the speedometer in your car to make sure you are going the right speed, pilots use the airspeed indicator to make sure they are flying safely and in control.