ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you are taking pictures of the stars in the night sky! With astrophotography, people can take photographs of the stars, planets, galaxies, and nebulae in the sky. It's like taking pictures of things very far away from Earth.

To do astrophotography, you need a camera and a telescope or a telephoto lens to capture the tiny starry objects that are too far away to see with your naked eye. You also need special settings on your camera to take pictures of the dark sky.

Astrophotography is done during the night because it's when the sky is darkest and the stars and other celestial objects are most visible. People also wait for clear and cool nights when there is less cloud cover and less atmospheric disturbance.

Many people do this as a hobby, and some do it professionally to capture pictures of stars and galaxies to learn more about our universe. It can also help scientists learn more about celestial objects and how they move and evolve over time.

Overall, astro-photography is a fun way to take pictures of the stars and galaxies in the sky, and learn more about the universe around us.