ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automotive night vision

Have you ever noticed how some cars have special cameras and screens inside them that help the driver see better at night? This is called automotive night vision, and it's like having superhero eyes!

When it's dark outside, it can be hard for drivers to see things on the road, like animals, people, or other vehicles. That's where the night vision system comes in.

The system has a special camera on the front of the car that can see things in the dark that our human eyes can't. The camera takes pictures and sends them to a screen inside the car that the driver can look at.

The screen shows the driver a picture of what's in front of the car, but it's not just a regular picture. The night vision system uses special colors that help the driver see things better in the dark.

So if there's a deer or a pedestrian in the road, the driver will be able to see it on the screen before it's too late to stop. This can help drivers avoid accidents and stay safe on the road, especially at night.

So, remember, just like how superheroes have special powers to help them see things that others can't, automotive night vision helps drivers see better in the dark!