ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ballistic training

Ballistic training is like playing catch with a medicine ball or doing jump squats. It's a type of exercise where you use quick and explosive movements instead of slow and steady movements.

Imagine you're playing catch with a big, heavy ball. Instead of throwing it gently, you try to toss it as hard and fast as you can. That's ballistic training!

It's a way to make your muscles work really hard in a short amount of time. It's also a good way to improve your explosiveness, which means you can move quickly and powerfully.

Just like throwing the heavy ball, ballistic training can be tough on your body if you don't do it correctly. It's important to have good form and make sure you don't hurt yourself.

But if you do it right, ballistic training can be a fun and effective way to make your muscles stronger and faster!