ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Barrel of oil equivalent

A barrel of oil equivalent, or BOE, is kind of like a ruler that measures how much energy is in different types of fuel. Think of it like this: imagine you have a big box of crayons. Now, some of the crayons are really big and some of them are really small. But they can all be used to make drawings and pictures, right?

Well, it's the same with different types of fuel. We have things like oil, natural gas, and coal that we use to make energy. And just like crayons, some of these fuels have more energy in them than others. That's where the BOE comes in.

A BOE is a way of measuring the energy that's stored in different types of fuel. It's like saying, "hey, this amount of natural gas contains the same amount of energy as one barrel of oil." It's kind of like how you might say, "hey, this small crayon is the same length as two of these little one-inch crayons."

Using the BOE helps us compare different kinds of fuel and figure out how much energy we're getting from each one. It's kind of like using a ruler to measure how long something is. It just helps us understand things better!