ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biodegradable waste

Hi there! Do you know what waste is? It's the stuff we throw away because we don't need it anymore, like wrappers or food leftovers. Some waste is biodegradable, which is a big word that means it can break down or dissolve over time.

Let's say you have an apple. When you're done eating it, you probably throw away the core and peel. Because they're biodegradable, they will eventually break down into tiny pieces in the earth. This is because living things like bacteria and worms eat them up and turn them into compost, which is like food for plants.

Plants need nutrients to grow, and compost is full of nutrients. That's why some people use compost to help their gardens grow. So, when we throw away biodegradable waste, it’s like we're helping plants grow in a way!

It's important to remember that not all waste is biodegradable. Plastic bags, for example, can take hundreds of years to break down and can harm animals and the environment. So, it's important that we try to use less plastic and throw it away properly when we do use it.

In summary, biodegradable waste is stuff that breaks down into tiny pieces in the earth over time because living things eat it up and turn it into compost, which helps plants grow.