ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Business unit

Alright kiddo, a business unit is like a small part of a big company that does its own thing. Imagine a big house, with many rooms. Each room is a business unit doing its own stuff. They all have their own tasks and goals, but they still belong to the same big house, which is the company.

For example, let's pretend you work for a big company that makes ice cream. They might have different business units for making different flavors like chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. Each unit has its own workers, machines, and ingredients to make their specific ice cream.

Think of it like having different teams in a game of sports. You might have a team for offense, defense, and special teams. Each team has its own job to do but they are all playing to win for the same team.

So, a business unit is just a part of a big company that works together to make the whole company run better.