ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chain of command

Okay kiddo, let me explain chain of command like you're five.

Imagine you are playing a game of tag with your friends. There's always someone who is "it," and they have to try and tag all the other players. But sometimes, if the game starts to get a little too chaotic, you might have an adult step in to help organize things. That adult is like the leader of the game.

In real life, we have leaders too, but they're not just in charge of games of tag. They might be in charge of a group of people who work together at a job, like your teacher at school or your mom or dad at work. And just like in a game of tag, there needs to be some order so that everyone knows what to do and who to listen to.

That's where the chain of command comes in. It's like a line of people who are all in charge of each other. For example, your teacher is in charge of you because you're one of their students, but your teacher is also in charge of the other teachers and staff at your school. And your school principal is in charge of your teacher, and so on and so on.

The chain of command helps make sure that everyone knows who they should be listening to and who they can go to if they have a problem or need help. It also helps make sure that everyone is working together toward the same goals.

So there you have it, kiddo! The chain of command is like a line of people in charge of each other, and it helps keep things organized and working smoothly.