ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Command (military formation)

Okay kiddo, so when soldiers work together, they need to be organized into something called a formation. This helps everyone know where to go and what to do during important tasks, kinda like when you line up with your classmates before going to recess.

A command is a type of military formation that’s used when a soldier needs to be in charge of a group of other soldiers. It’s like having a boss, and that boss wants everyone to work together to get a job done right.

When a command is formed, the boss—also known as the commanding officer—will stand at the front of the group and give directions. Everyone else will be lined up behind them, ready to follow those directions.

The commanding officer’s job is to make sure that everyone in the command knows what they’re supposed to do, and that they do it well. They might tell soldiers to march forward, move to the left or right, or even attack the enemy if they need to.

All soldiers in the command have a specific job to do, and they have to work together to make sure that everything gets done correctly. If everyone does their job the right way, the command will be successful and everyone will be safe.

That’s basically what a command is, kiddo. It’s just soldiers working together with a boss giving directions to make sure everything is done right.