ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Chunga pitha

Chunga pitha is a kind of snack or dessert made in some parts of Bangladesh. It's like a little cake, but instead of baking it in an oven, you cook it in a special kind of pot called a "chonga" over a fire.

First, you mix together rice flour (kind of like a powdery substance made from rice) and water to make a dough. You might also add things like sugar or coconut to make it sweet.

Then, you take a little bit of the dough and put it inside the chonga pot. The pot is made of clay, and it's shaped like a little cup with a lid. You put the lid on top, and then you hold the pot over the fire, like you're roasting marshmallows.

As the dough cooks, it puffs up and gets all nice and crispy on the outside. Inside, it's soft and chewy. When it's done, you take the pot off the fire and use a little stick to pry the chunga pitha out of the pot.

It's kind of like making pancakes, but instead of using a pan on a stove, you're using a clay pot over a fire. And instead of pancakes, you end up with these little cakes that are super yummy!