ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Circular agriculture

Circular agriculture is like a game of recycling where everything is used again and again. Just like when you can use a milk carton again if you collect it and put it in the recycling bin, farmers can use the resources they have to grow food and make sure that nothing goes to waste.

Farmers think a lot about how everything they do is connected. For example, if they have cows, the food that the cows eat becomes their poop. Instead of throwing the poop away, farmers use it as fertilizer for their crops, which helps the plants grow bigger and healthier. Then, when the plants are ready, the cows can eat them again, which starts the whole cycle all over again!

This is just like how when you draw, you can't erase your mistakes, but you can use the back of the paper, so you don't waste it. Circular agriculture is just like that, but instead of paper and pencils, farmers are using plants, animals, and other resources to grow food and keep everything sustainable.