ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Claim (patent)

Okay, kiddo, so imagine you made a really cool invention like a toy that no one has ever made before. You would want to make sure that you have the right to stop other people from copying your toy, right? That's where a claim comes in.

A claim is like a special paper that you can get from the government when you make something new and unique. It says that you have the right to make, sell, and control your invention for a certain amount of time. This is called a patent, and it makes sure that nobody else can steal your idea.

But you can't just say "I made a toy and nobody else can make one like it!" You have to be specific and describe exactly what parts of your toy are new and different from other toys that already exist. This is what a claim does. It describes in detail what is different about your toy so that you can be sure nobody else can copy it.

So, when you make something really cool and want to protect it, you can get a claim to your patent to make sure nobody else can copy your invention. And when people want to make something using your idea, they have to get your permission first or else they would be breaking the law!