ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clearance search and opinion

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a bunch of toys, like Legos and Play-Doh. And you want to make something new and cool with all these toys, like a big castle or a spaceship.

But before you start building, you want to make sure that nobody has already made the exact same thing you want to make with their toys. That's what a clearance search is for.

Just like you would look around your room to see if any of your friends or siblings have made the same castle or spaceship as you, a clearance search is when someone looks around to see if anyone else has made the same invention or design as you're thinking about making.

Once you've checked around and made sure that your castle or spaceship is unique, you can start building. But sometimes when we make something, other people might get upset or think we're copying them. That's where a clearance opinion comes in.

A clearance opinion is like asking a grown-up who knows a lot about toys and building things whether your new creation is okay to make. They'll look at your plans and check to see if it's too similar to something someone else has made, and whether you might get into trouble for making it.

So, a clearance search is like taking a good look around to make sure nobody else has already made the same thing you want to make, and a clearance opinion is like asking a grown-up whether it's okay to make your new invention or design.