ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo! Do you know what clean-in-place (CIP) is? It's a method that people use to clean big machines without taking them apart. Let me explain it to you like you're five.

Well, imagine you played with your toys all day and they got dirty. You decided to clean them up so you grabbed a bucket of soapy water, a sponge, and scrubbed them all till they were squeaky clean. That's what CIP is, but for big machines.

Let's say there's a machine that makes juice. Before you can make a new flavor of juice, you need to clean all the parts of the machine which touched the previous flavor. But imagine there are lots of small parts, and dismantling the machine would take a lot of time. Instead, with CIP, a special cleaning solution is pumped through the machine's pipes and tanks. This solution cleans everything inside the machine and leaves it ready to make a different flavor of juice.

The cleaning solution is made from a special recipe that includes chemicals and water. It removes all the leftover bits of juice, sugar syrup, and other ingredients that get stuck inside the machine. The machine's filters also get cleaned through the solution.

After the CIP process, the cleaning solution is drained from the machine, and water is used to rinse everything thoroughly. Then, the machine is cleaned inside-out, and a new flavor of juice can be made using the clean and sanitized machine.

And that, my dear little one, is clean-in-place (CIP). By using this method, lots of big machines can be cleaned quickly and effectively without taking them apart.