ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coffee biggin

A coffee biggin is a special type of pot that people use to make coffee. It's like a fancy version of a regular coffee pot that you may have seen at home.

Inside the biggin, there are two compartments. The bottom compartment is where you put water, and the top compartment is where you put the coffee grounds. A biggin usually has a filter inside to keep the coffee grounds separate from the water.

Here's how it works:

1. First, you pour water into the bottom compartment of the biggin. The water goes near the bottom, where it gets heated up.

2. Then, you put the coffee grounds into the top compartment. The coffee grounds are usually in a little bag or filter so that they don't mix with the water.

3. When you're ready to start making coffee, you put the biggin on a stove or some kind of heat source. The heat from the stove makes the water in the bottom compartment get hot. As the water gets hot, it starts to rise up into the top compartment where the coffee grounds are.

4. As the water rises, it comes into contact with the coffee grounds. This is when the coffee starts to get made! The hot water extracts the flavors and oils from the coffee grounds, and the coffee liquid starts to drip down from the top compartment into a pot or mug that you put underneath.

5. Finally, when all the water has moved up through the coffee grounds and into the top compartment, you can take the biggin off the stove. The coffee is now ready to drink! You can pour it into a cup, add sugar or milk if you like, and enjoy your delicious homemade coffee.

So, a coffee biggin is a special type of pot that helps you make coffee by heating up water, allowing it to rise up through coffee grounds, and then collecting the brewed coffee in a separate compartment. It's a fun and traditional way to make coffee at home!