ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cognitive ergonomics

Cognitive ergonomics is like putting things in the right place so that your brain can work better. Just like how you organize your toys so you can easily find them and play with them, cognitive ergonomics is about setting up your environment, tools, and tasks in a way that makes it easy for your brain to think, remember, and learn.

Imagine your brain as a superhero. It's always working hard to help you solve problems, remember things, and make decisions. But just like a superhero needs a good outfit and tools to do their job, your brain needs a good environment and tools to do its job. That's where cognitive ergonomics comes in.

Here are some examples:

- Let's say you're trying to learn a new math concept. If you're working in a busy, noisy room with distractions all around, it's going to be hard for your brain to focus and learn. But if you're in a quiet, calm environment with good lighting and a comfortable chair, your brain is more likely to be able to concentrate and work on the math problem.

- Or imagine you're trying to write an important essay for school. If you're using a computer with a slow internet connection and a lot of pop-up ads, it's going to be frustrating and distracting. But if you have a fast computer with good internet, no distractions, and a comfortable keyboard and mouse, it will be easier for your brain to focus and write the essay.

- Another example could be when you're cooking dinner for your family. If you have all the ingredients, utensils, and tools you need in the right place and organized, you'll be able to cook faster and with less stress. But if you have to keep running back and forth to the pantry, fridge, and cabinets to find what you need, it will take longer and be more frustrating.

So, cognitive ergonomics is like being a helpful friend to your brain. By setting up your environment and tools in a way that makes it easy for your brain to work, you're making it easier for your brain to do its superhero job.