ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Collective trade marks

Collective trademarks are like special stickers that groups of people, called associations, can use to show that they all belong to the same group.

Just like a regular trademark, a collective trademark is used to identify products or services of a certain company. But in this case, it's used to identify products or services of a group of companies or individuals who are all members of the same association.

For example, let's say there's an association of farmers who all grow organic produce. They can create a collective trademark that all of them can use on their products, like a sticker with the words "Organic Farmers Association" and a special symbol. This way, customers can easily recognize that the product comes from a member of the association who follows organic farming practices.

The association is responsible for making sure that its members comply with certain quality standards and regulations, so that customers can trust the products with the collective trademark.

Overall, a collective trademark helps to build trust and recognition for a group of companies or individuals who share the same values and objectives.