ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Collective trademark

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a picture of an apple with a little bite taken out of it and thought, "That's definitely made by Apple!"? That's because they have a trademark. A trademark is like a special thing that a company uses to show that their stuff is really theirs.

Now, sometimes a group of companies will all get together and make something really special or really good. But they don't want to use each of their own trademarks to show that they all made it together - that would be confusing. So they use something called a collective trademark instead.

A collective trademark is like a super special trademark that a group of companies can use together. It shows that they all made something together and it belongs to the group, not just one company. This is really helpful for customers because they can know that when they see that special trademark, they're buying something that's really good and has been made by a group of companies that they can trust.