ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ok kiddo, so imagine you have a balloon filled with air. When you squeeze the balloon, the air inside gets pushed to a smaller space, making the balloon look smaller. This is kind of like what a compressor does.

A compressor is a machine that squeezes air or gas into a smaller space, making it more concentrated and pressurized. Compressors are used in many places, like factories, hospitals, and even your own home!

One place you might see a compressor is in an air conditioner. When you turn on the AC, the compressor squeezes refrigerant gas which makes it hotter, and then pushes it through a series of tubes and fins. This takes the heat from the inside of your house and releases it outside, making the air inside cooler.

Another place you might see a compressor is in a car engine. The compressor squeezes air into the car's cylinders, making it possible for the engine to burn more fuel and make more power. This is why some cars have a turbocharger or supercharger, which are types of compressors that make the engine faster and more efficient.

Compressors come in many shapes and sizes, from tiny ones that fit in your hand to giant ones that take up whole rooms. But no matter how big or small they are, they all work the same basic way: by using pressure to make air or gas more powerful.