ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computer keyboard

A computer keyboard is what we use to type letters, numbers, and symbols into our computer. It looks like a lot of buttons, kind of like a phone with lots of buttons.

Each button on the keyboard is called a "key" and each key represents a letter, number, or symbol. For example, the key with the letter "A" on it will make that letter appear on the screen when we press it.

There are also special keys on the keyboard like the "Shift" key and the "Enter" key. These keys help us do special things like make capital letters and start a new line of text.

When we press a key on the keyboard, it sends a message to the computer, telling it which key we pressed. The computer then shows us what we typed on the screen.

So, the keyboard is like a special tool that helps us talk to the computer by typing in words and commands with our fingers.