ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conservative Democrat

Okay kiddo, let me explain what a conservative Democrat is.

You know how in a school race, there are different candidates who have different ideas about what to do if they are elected? Well, when we talk about politics, it's the same thing, but on a bigger scale.

Democrats are a group of people who belong to a political party, and they have certain values and ideas they believe in. Now, within the Democratic party, there are different sub-groups or factions, and one of those groups is called 'conservative Democrats.'

Now, what does 'conservative' mean? Think of it like this: when you are trying something new, like playing a new game, you might be careful and cautious at first, right? You might ask a lot of questions and try to understand the rules before you start playing. The same goes for conservative Democrats. They like to be careful and cautious and stick to traditional ideas or values. They believe in a balanced budget, smaller government, and lower taxes. They don't like things to change too quickly, and they want to make sure that whatever they do has been tried and tested before.

So, a conservative Democrat is someone who belongs to the Democratic party but has more conservative ideas about how to solve problems and make decisions about how the country should be run.