ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Constructible universe

The constructible universe is like a big bucket of Legos - except instead of colorful blocks, it's full of mathematical objects. These objects can be numbers, sets, functions, or any other mathematical thing you can think of!

Now, imagine we want to build something with our Legos. We can only use the pieces that are already in our bucket - we can't go outside and pick up more blocks. This is just like the constructible universe - we can only use the mathematical objects that already exist within it.

The really cool thing about the constructible universe is that it contains everything we need to build all of mathematics! That's because it's constructed in a special way using a set of rules called axioms. These rules make sure that everything we can imagine in math is already there in the constructible universe.

So, just like we can build all sorts of amazing creations with our Legos, mathematicians can build all sorts of amazing math concepts using the constructible universe. And just like Legos, there are endless possibilities!