ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deep sea habitat

Imagine swimming in a giant pool filled with water that is extremely dark, cold and has no sunlight. This is very similar to the deep sea habitat.

The deep sea habitat is a place at the bottom of the ocean where the water is very deep (up to 36,070 feet), which means that it is very cold and dark, and there is always pressure from the weight of the ocean water.

Living things that make their home here have to be made in a way that is different from animals that live in shallower parts of the ocean where there is sunlight. They need to be specially designed to survive in the extreme conditions of the deep sea.

Some creatures, like anglerfish, have developed a special light on their heads to help them see in the dark. Others, like the giant squid, have huge eyes to help them see better. Creatures like the tube worm, which live around hot water vents, have bacteria living inside them that can use the heat from the vents to create energy for them.

Despite the difficult conditions, deep sea habitats can be very crowded with life. There are many different creatures, from tiny plankton to giant whales, that call the deep sea home. Scientists are still discovering new species and learning about how they are able to live in this extreme environment.