ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Digital image mosaic

Okay kiddo, do you remember how you like to put together puzzles to make a pretty picture? Well, a digital image mosaic is kind of like that, but with pictures that are made using a computer.

Here's how it works: Imagine a computer has a big pile of lots and lots of small pictures. These pictures are like tiny puzzle pieces. The computer takes one of these pictures and puts it in a spot on a big canvas. Then, it takes another tiny picture and puts it next to the first one. It keeps doing this over and over again until the whole canvas is filled up with these tiny pictures.

When we look at the finished picture, it looks like one big picture, but actually it's made up of a bunch of itsy-bitsy mini-pictures. It's like a puzzle, but the computer puts it together for us. Pretty cool, right?

Now, sometimes these tiny pictures are all the same color, and sometimes they're pictures of things like flowers, clouds, or even your favorite character. The computer uses special software to decide where to put each tiny picture so the whole picture looks just right.

That's a digital image mosaic - a big picture made up of lots and lots of tiny pictures!