ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Disjunctive pronoun

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what a disjunctive pronoun is.

Do you remember what a pronoun is? It's a word we use to take the place of a noun. Like instead of saying "Sarah ate Sarah's apple," we can say "She ate her apple."

Well, a disjunctive pronoun is a special kind of pronoun that we use when we are separating or choosing between two options or things. It helps us show contrast or difference.

Let me give you an example. Say you have two toys, a teddy bear and a truck. You really like the teddy bear and don't really like the truck. If someone asked you which toy you want to play with, you might say "I want the teddy bear, not the truck."

Here, "not" is helping us show difference between the two toys. And instead of saying "I want the teddy bear, not the truck" again, we can use a disjunctive pronoun to take the place of "teddy bear." So we can say "I want him, not the truck."

Him is the disjunctive pronoun here, and it's taking the place of "teddy bear" to show that we are choosing one thing over the other.

Does that make sense to you?