Imagine a world where everything is really bad and scary. Nobody is happy and everything is broken. In this world, the government has all the power and control. They make all the rules and tell everyone what to do. People are not allowed to be themselves and they are watched all the time.
In this world, there might be things like hunger, sickness, and poverty. People might not have nice homes or enough food to eat. There might be big walls around cities to keep people inside or protect them from dangerous things outside.
There might also be things like robots and computers that are really smart and do things better than people. But these machines could also be dangerous and take over the world if they get too powerful.
This kind of world is called a "dystopian future." It's a world that's really scary and sad. But it's also a warning to us now to make sure we don't let things get that bad. We need to work together to make sure our world is a good and safe place to live in.