ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Effects of violence in mass media

Okay, so imagine you're watching a TV show or a movie and there's a lot of fighting, shooting, and hitting. This is what we call violence, and when we see it on TV or in movies a lot, it's called mass media.

Now, some people think that when we see a lot of violence in mass media it can make us think it's okay to be violent ourselves. This means we might start hitting or fighting with other kids, or thinking that violence is a good way to solve problems.

Other people think that seeing violence in mass media doesn't really affect us that much, and that we can tell the difference between what's on TV and what's real life.

But scientists have done a lot of studies to try and figure out which of these things is true. And what they've found is that seeing a lot of violence in mass media can make us more likely to be violent ourselves.

It's kind of like if you watch someone play a game a lot it might make you want to play the game too, even if you didn't want to before. So if we see a lot of violence in TV shows and movies, it can make us want to be violent too, even if we didn't before.

That's why a lot of parents and teachers try to limit how much violence kids see in mass media. They don't want you to start thinking violence is okay, or to start hurting other people. But the most important thing to remember is that violence is never the answer to any problems, and it's always better to talk things out or get help from a trusted adult if you're having an issue.