ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

English independence

Okay, let me explain this to you, like you are 5 years old.

So, a long time ago, there was a big country called England which included lots of different countries, like Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. They were all ruled by one big king or queen, who made all the decisions for everyone.

But some people in Scotland and Wales didn't like being told what to do by someone who lived far away in England. They wanted their own leaders and their own rules.

So, they started to talk about becoming independent. That means being their own country, with their own government and laws.

In Scotland, they even had a big vote to decide whether they wanted to be independent or not. But most people decided to stay part of the big country of England.

However, some people are still fighting for independence in Scotland and Wales, and they think it would be better for them to make their own decisions.

So, one day in the future, they might become independent and have their own separate country. But right now, they are still part of the big country of England.