ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Environmentally extended input–output analysis

Environmental extended input-output analysis is like a big puzzle that helps us understand how everything we use or make affects the environment.

Think of when you build a tower with blocks. You need different kinds of blocks to make the tower, right? Well, imagine that blocks are things we use, like food or clothing, and the tower is like our economy. Every time we use or make something, it creates a little puzzle piece that fits into the big puzzle of our economy.

But when we use or make things, we also affect the environment. For example, making a car uses energy and materials from the environment, and it can create pollution.

Environmental extended input-output analysis helps us see how these puzzle pieces fit together and how they affect the environment. It looks at all the things we use and make and then traces how they connect to one another. It also helps us see exactly how much energy and materials go into making things, like that car.

When we use this puzzle to understand how everything's connected, we can make better choices about how we use resources and reduce pollution. And that's good for the environment!