ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fear of youth

Do you know how sometimes grown-ups are afraid of you because you're a kid? They might be scared because they think all kids are troublemakers or they might not understand you or your interests. They might also be scared of what's happening in the world and worry that kids are part of the problem. This is called "fear of youth".

But just like how all grown-ups are different and have their own personalities, all kids are different too. Some kids may be loud and run around a lot, but others might be quiet and like to read books. Just because someone is a kid doesn't mean they're a bad person or that they should be feared.

It's important for grown-ups to remember that kids are the future and have a lot to offer the world. They can help solve problems and make the world a better place, but they need support and encouragement to do that. So even though some grown-ups might be afraid of youth, it's important for them to try to understand and appreciate kids for who they are.