ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fellow traveler

A fellow traveler is a person who accompanies you on a journey or adventure, even though they're not exactly going to the same place as you or they have different reasons for going on the trip. It's like going on a family vacation and bringing a friend along with you, but your friend is not related to your family and they might have different ideas about what they want to do on the trip.

In history, the term "fellow traveler" was used to describe people who were sympathetic to the ideas of communist or socialist political movements, but they weren't members of the party themselves. They might help the party in some way or publicly support their ideas, but they didn't officially belong. It's kind of like cheering for your favorite sports team, but not actually playing on the team.

In any case, a fellow traveler is someone who shares some common ground with you on a journey or adventure, but they might not have the exact same destination or reasons for going. It can be nice to have someone else with you who understands some of what you're going through, even if they have their own unique perspective.