ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Filibuster (military)

Oh, hello there, little one! Today I'll explain to you what a filibuster (military) is.

You know how sometimes when you're playing a game with your friends, one of them might make up a rule that seems unfair or makes the game too hard for everyone else? Well, a filibuster is kind of like that in the military.

It happens when a group of soldiers from one country go into another country and start a fight or take control of something. But they're not doing it because their own country told them to - they're doing it on their own, because they think they're right or want to have power over something.

This is not allowed under the rules of war, because it can cause bigger problems and make it harder to keep peace between countries. It's like cheating in a game of tag - it doesn't really make things better and can just make everyone angry.

So there you have it, little one - a filibuster in the military is like cheating in a game of tag but with much more serious consequences.